Tuesday 22 March 2022

Quatre Bras - Battle for the crossroads


Dutch Belgian artillery prepare to sell themselves dearly as French
Lancers and Infantry prepare the assault

We’ve been going through a fantastic renaissance at the Napoleonic Wargaming Society in recent months.  After having very few Napoleonic games being played, several of us have actively been introducing friends and fellow members to the excellent General D’Armee rules from Dave Brown.

To help facilitate this we’ve been bring 15mm figures down so a hood game can. D played on a 6x4 table and a number of differing scenarios can be played out yo help dissect the more intricate aspects of the game.

After a few weeks of planning, some of the lads popped over to play a large GdA game in the grand manner - that’s tight with 28mm on a 12 x 6.

The table set up for action on the Friday night

The excellent scenario booklet for the 1815 campaign

Fog of War cards for the French. First time we’ve used them to this extent and they worked
tremendously well for deployment and limited scouting intelligence 

The Anglo- allied Cards around Gemioncourt farm

Chris, Peter and myself are reasonably experienced players whilst Angus, Martin and John were novices. We had two late withdrawals with Phil W ill with the flu, Paul pre committed socially and Phil C off to Adelaide on holiday. Soft! 

I elected not to play and to coordinate the game as umpire and assist in any questions etc. so far so good.

French battalions on “Forwards” move up the right of the field 

Dutch Belgian forces lay in wait

Lovely Perry Miniatures

Brunswick road columns head onto the field
French lancers, supported by artillery,  advance on the Nassau position near Bossu woods
A view across the field 
French commanders contemplate their advancing formations
Merlens Dutch cavalry arrive
Love those lancers - combination of Foundry and Perry regiments
Hovels buildings being used in lieu of dedicated Quatre Bras and Gemioncourt models

The attack columns head towards Gemioncourt

The columns have successfully spaced themselves away from being massed in 
Preparation for the initial assaults on the Dutch

Martin’s French looking suitable damaged by artillery 

A great shot of the field of battle towards the Bossu woods

French light cavalry arrive 

More photos a little later in the week.


  1. Always love it when a big multiplayer game comes together. Can I ask you for more detailed impressions of the rules?

    1. It certainly is FMB. These rules are certainly my favourite Napoleonic rules by far. The whole glow and feel of the game works incredibly well and is incredibly well supported by the author via forums and you tube videos. Couldn’t recommend them highly enough.

  2. Excellent photos, great troops, wonderful terrain. Looking forward to more.

  3. Very nice and looking fine. 😀

    1. That sounds like the first line to a Canned Heat song Stew - I like it!
      Thanks for the comment mate, we had such a great time of it as well.

  4. Hello Carlo

    A treat to see the Napoleonics out again. It looks like the preliminaries are over and it's about to get down and dirty. I'm looking forward to seeing the down and dirty photos.

    von Peter himself

    1. Coming very soon Peter. The use of the depth of the table and watching the defensive and offensive lines set up has been tremendous to observe. Great to get some of the figures out that’s for sure.

  5. Fabulous Mate, great to see the Napoleonic’s out!

  6. Great stuff as usual Carlo - its a really good scenario to play I think

    1. Absolutely Kerry. The game is very balanced and the arrival schedule of the allied reinforcements is critical. Great game.

  7. Lovely looking table and armies Carlo. We enjoyed our Lancers too in the Cotswold Quatre Bras refights - but they weren't as successful as historically so hope they do better for your players. Assuming this is a historical refight can I politely suggest you have another look at the original map for your placenames (Gemioncourt, Bossu...)for Part Two. cheers Chris G

    1. Thank you Chris and noted. Corrections made.
