Wednesday 7 March 2018

Young Guard skirmishers at work

The lads make themselves comfortable in a field as the British approach
Just a very quick to show the Young Guard skirmishers from Wargames Foundry that I was working on last month actually on the table top.  I am very happy with the poses and think they look the part in these after the battle had ended staged shots.  The Young Guard were not needed by Phil on this particular occasion and I thought that it was a good idea to place them out and capture what could have been.

 Well lets face it, I needed something to lift the spirits after that 1815 pants pulling down experience!

Though slightly smaller than Perry Miniatures, they still blend in well, especially on bases on their own such as these

A view with the field they didn't bolt away from the action.

Next in terms of skirmisher bases will be some Dutch Line and Militia bases for Byljandts Brigade at Waterloo.  Figures are in hand and need to be prepped and undercoated in the next few days.


  1. Looking good. For that last picture I feel I should be yelling out "Look out behind you!"

    1. As always Mark, we both do enjoy a good pantomime 😉

  2. Wonderful vignettes of YG, love poses, painting...and scenery!

    1. Thank you very much indeed Phil. Spent a very enjoyable 30 minutes on your blog yesterday. Excellent stuff!

  3. Very nicely done, Carlo.
    If I recall correctly, "pants" itself is a form of British slang, sort of a more updated "Knickers!". :-)

    1. Very much so Peter. If I had been playing pool I would have had to run around the table three times bottomless! Eeeek.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Dmitry and a good observation. I kept these figures because of the poses that you rarely see in Wargames figures for the period other than whenever some company is selling British 95th Rifles. I like them a great deal.
