Wednesday 4 May 2022

GdA at the Napoleonic Wargaming Society

Not a particularly good photo but proof that I do actually play 15mm as well

Just a very quick post to show a couple of shots of a wargame we played last night at the club.  Chris had played a couple of introductory scenarios that had been linked for dome new players to the NWS and this was the third.  

As you can see we prefer using our 15mm figures on a Wednesday night as there is less yo bring in and carry, we can generally utilise the clubs 1980’s style terrainπŸ˜‰ and a great game can be played on a 6 x 4 table.

In fact right next to us, Guido, Cody, Martin and Angus were playing another 1809 General D’Armee game with Cookie umpiring.

Chris put together a very well balanced scenario

Lots of enjoyment with hall jam packed with games, which is always tremendous. 


  1. Looks like a nice club night. When everything comes together it is such a rich hobby. Well done! (BTW, the terrain looks like some of mine.)

    1. Thanks P. The club is great fun with a bar up until 8.00pm, great space and location and most importantly, very friendly members. I’ve been a member since I was 14! They really should have lifted their standards back then πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  2. Sounds like a good club night.
    I barely make a club game about once a quarter; and I even belong to Two wargsme clubs. πŸ˜€

    1. A great night Stew. Sometimes it’s great just heading down for a beer for an hour and watching the games when the days been a bit ragged work wise. It’s only give minutes drive from my place so I’m most fortunate from that perspective.
      Two clubs hey? Now that’s a very keen level of non- attendance Stew however you’ve had the very best of excuses work and young family wise. Just imagine when that time opens up, you’ll be absolutely beside yourself.

  3. Great to see some GdA being played Carlo :-)

    1. Absolutely Jay. It’s really gaining some popularity at the club now with up to nine regular players which is pretty darn good. Great set of rules.
