Friday 3 June 2022

An Ancient Tragedy

We were so incensed by the rocks we through down our clothes in disgust

Well that was pretty ugly!

Steve and I cracked out To the Strongest for a rumble at the club with my Gauls and his beautiful Spanish.  I knew it was going to be tough after the terrain phase of the game where stacks of Iberian rough and rock refused to go away and remained in some pretty key areas. Not ideal for brave deep war bands intent on destruction but ideal for those slippery little Latino types with javelins, heavy weapons and lots of nasty insults from the hilltops.

Not an ideal place to bring your wheeled light chariot

Turning to the right to help deter the mass of light cavalry and infantry tearing down
the Gallic right flank. Even at this very early stage we were looking for the magic potion!

Reconstruct these words into a sentence “Rock…Hard…Between…a…Caught…bugger… place”

This is the last photo I took as my tears stopped me from being able to focus very well…not
from losing of course…from the flock on the bases getting into my eyes. I have allergies 
too you know!  It was also very cold, and the spear points were sharp.

As expected the beautifully painted Spanish had their way with their hairy and noisy neighbours from Gaul.  Great to get the figures out and great to have Steve back at the  club gaming after a very busy  period with work. 

Maybe next time those Gauls will pick the right field to do battle upon.



  1. Ouch! Good looking game though. Really must try TTS

    1. Thanks FMB - you will really love the game. Incredible fun, frustrating at times when you draw the wrong chit but really playable set of rules

  2. A great looking game Carlo…
    Maybe next time… keep your trousers on 😁
    Being naked when people get stabby isn’t a good thing…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Ha ha thanks Aly that’s very good advice!

  3. That is a lovely-looking game. I managed to get some flock down the back of my throat a couple of weeks ago, so know how uncomfortable that can be.

    1. Well the flock was my excuse Lawrence anyway…and I’m sticking to itπŸ˜‚

  4. Amusing post / writing and of course some nice photos as well. πŸ˜€

    1. Thanks Stew. Sometimes it’s just the way it goes and thankfully I always love playing Steve in anything we do so it was all still a great laugh.

  5. Always a good time playing TTS! I really must get on with the write up of the Pavia game we played last month!

    1. That would be great to see Peter. We very much enjoy TTS.

  6. Lovely looking game, got to paint some chariots up for a King's of war game, yours look the part!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks so much Iain. Looking forward to seeing your chariots.
