Wednesday 12 April 2023

Pyrrhus takes the long handle to Rome in a TtS “beating”

The lads feeling strong, confident and ready to rumble

It had been far too long between drinks in terms of playing an ancients battle with Simon Milkers excellent To the Strongest rules.

Stevecand I decided to get the lads out again and Steve decided to give his Pyrrhic army a run for the first time. I had played Jeff C’s Pyrrhic troops a few times with my Republican “Polybian” Roman’s do I had felt reasonably confident.

Well that was my first mistake!

The table set up the large pool table in the corner of the hall. My 
back is still feeling the effects of a taller table and reaching across.

The Roman position with First Consul Carlo observing the enemy position 

Events always give Steve a degree of confidence and trepidation

The Pyrrhic army were deemed the defender and the Romans thought a position of central strength with lights off in the woods and scrub on the flanks would be ideal to counter the enemy superiority in cavalry.

Steve’s right flank command

A mix of raw and experienced pike

Another view of the Pyrrhic flank and central left

Numidian horse with allied light support on foot

Roman cavalry and Spanish lights

Another view of the spine of any Roman army - it’s foot

So the battle commenced with a furious speed. Steve advanced his pike blocks rapidly in order to negate the effects of my two artillery pieces on the hill. In previous battles they had been both accurate and deadly however in this encounter they were to prove clueless and as dangerous as a toddler armed with a used toothpick and a rubber band!

A view across the advance as the cavalry of Pyrrhus move swiftly on the Roman right 

Dangerous odds

The Romans still feeling well contented. You can see the artillery on the hill looking for a protractor.

Wedges are hard to replicate at time in TtS 

Get those gold victory medals ready lads as they’ll all be
handed over pretty soon 😂

The hand of a Great Leader in Pyrrhus himself 

The horse of a puny leader in Carlo, First Consul of Rome (acting)

These lads were the most dangerous lads on the Roman side all battle. A few good shots and
several dangerous moose and boers killed. No enemy however.

These lads held their own for many turns

The left flank was well held by the Roman’s despite the odds

A nice view of the Roman lines prior to contact

Contact! It was tough, resilient on both sides however the pike were 
to prove the masters on this day over the pila 

Things are looking grim for the Roman lights and cavalry

It was  very much a one sided affair.

Steve did everything right and his boldness and aggressive was well rewarded by the luck of the gods whilst the Roman’s indecisive actions were punished as they should have been.

It’s always so much fun playing with steve where we do laugh all the time and rule queries just don’t happen. Great set of rules and a great period to fight.


  1. I do like to see a good Roman Shish Kebab. So nice not to see the phalanx getting flanked for a change. Better luck next time, and I'm sure there'll be one as if the Romans had one thing going for them it was never forgiving or forgetting.

  2. A genuine Pyrrhic victory. Beautiful figures and terrain. I really want to give TtS a run with my DBMM-centric group. but have yet to talk them into it.

    1. You’ll very much enjoy them Lawrence.

  3. A lovely looking game Carlo…
    And a non Pyrrhic Pyrrhus victory is good to see…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks so much Aly. The Romans really only had their Commander to blame as he couldn’t hit the side of a barn on this particular occasion.

  4. Looks great, and if course I am a big fan if the rules as well. I find I need to paint another phalanx for my planned Historicon game. Fortunately, I already have the lead in hand from my big discounted purchase a number of years ago, and they are even primed already!

    1. Thanks Peter for your kind words. I’m sure you’re extra phalanx will absolutely look the part.
