Friday 9 February 2024

Let’s get the wagons rolling again

A favourite print reimagined in the Wargames room

 Just a quick note today as I received a great deal of correspondence when I took down my two blogs in January.  It was interesting as sometimes you think that no one particularly follows what you are putting up and if they do, the lack of comments can at times make you believe that the content is of little interest to anyone but yourself.

The next step then is to think that perhaps the blog is simple an extension of unfettered self-indulgence that lacks a place in your hobby life going forward…and then you think…”What’s wrong with a little self-indulgence these days anyway?”.

Roll on 2024.


  1. Carlo, I am rather embarassed to say that I had not noticed the 'take down" - although I reckon I have a pretty good excuse.

    However, having been made aware, I am very glad that they have been restored to their rightful place. Perhaps there is a message for me in commenting more. Hope all is well.


    1. Thats ok Richard as im sure you've had enough going on anyway buddy. All well however blogger can be a difficult platform at times, especially on some devices.

  2. A lovely photo. Whatever you choose to do with the hobby I hope it brings you peace and joy. I've enjoyed your blogs in the past.

  3. ...and yes this one as well - said it all in the desert. So pleased you're back!

  4. Carlo,
    Always enjoyed your posts.
    Hope you and yours are in good health.

    1. All well thank you John. Thanks for your comment and looking in.

  5. It good to see that you have decided to keep your blogs going…
    It’s always nice to see what you are doing…
    You are actually responsible for the four units of Elite Miniatures that are now sitting in my lead alp/mountain 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. H Ha Aly Im so sorry...well maybe not as i cannot wait to see what you do with those Elites. Take Care.

  6. I agree with the others Carlo, always a good read. I know my blog goes through periods of inactivity for various reasons. I think it is always good to keep it there, even if only for your own sake. I find reading through my past blog posts a good way to remember past projects and games.

  7. Hey Carlo, Keeping a blog going can be hard work...and sometimes falls into the 'can't be bothered anymore' basket. For every comment I have ever left anywhere- I have read 50 posts and not left anything. That said the best part about keeping a blog is going back to a game that I had forgotten and rereading about it. It's really for me and the guys I game with regularly. The comments are always appreciated, but years down the track- it's the preserved memory of the game and the time with my friends that make it worthwhile! So as tou your blog, even if you only post once or twice a year - it's fun to see what you are playing - and getting a glimpse of some of the magnificent stuff you've got.

    1. Well said John and I couldn't agree more. You take care mate.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Carlo

    Nice to see that your blogs are back. And a relief! 😀

    Of course as every silver lining has a cloud. There goes more of my time glued to a computer screen! Bl**dy great!! 😇

    Maintaining a blog is a whole bunch of work but it is certainly appreciated. Does Blogspot not give you statistics on visitors?

    von Peter himself

    PS. you must be a proud parent - admittedly one of several parents - now that General d'Armee 2 has finally been given a birth date. Thanks for the groups efforts and I know who to come to with my undoubtedly many and deranged questions on the rules. Thanks in advance! 🤪

    1. Thanks Peter. Your email was a prompt to reconsider so mnay thanks...I think. Yes very much looking forward to seeing GDA2 out there for Richard and Dave. What a cracking set of rules.

  10. I wasn't aware that then blog went down, or that you had three of them. I only have the one and it's enough work. I just wait for this blog to pop up on my blog roll to see what's up. guess that's why it hasn't popped up in awhile.
    I'll advise that if blogging ceased to be fun / entertaining then it's time to stop for a bit. I do from time to time.
    the amount of fun waxes and wanes. so I get it.
    But I enjoy your posts and the comments left on my own stupid blog, so I'm glad that you;re sticking around for a bit longer. 😁

    1. Thank you very much Stew and you are 100% correct in term,s of fun and blogging. The two are absolutely connected. Still love your blog by the way however I have had difficulty in commenting on many of my favourite blogs recently and I suspect it may be something to do with Google revamping sign ins. We will see.

  11. I am pleased that, like others, I did not notice that your blogs had gone for a couple of months as I would have sent you an email to protest my disgust!
    I am more pleased that you reversed your decision. Your blogs are beaut mate. We have to blog for ourselves, but it's marvellous when people look at what one has posted, even better when they make supportive and encouraging comments!
    Regards, James

    1. Hello James and thank you so much for your very kind words mate. Greatly appreciated.

  12. Hi Carlo, had no idea you were taking it down and am so glad you didn't- time is the biggest problem for most people I suspect. Not so much time to comment but time to actually look! Life is so busy. Keep up the inspirational work, even infrequently. Best wishes

    1. Thanks Kerry very much and greatly appreciated.

  13. Only just caught up with his , sorry. We've mutually supported each other's blogs for many, many years , even though we have never met. I totally agree with you that blogs can be a chore but I think we both get a great sense of satisfaction from recording our hobby for our own benefit and that of others. You set very high standards in our hobby and are a role model of enthusiasm and authenticity and I hope you are proud of what you achieve so please keep it up. I know many of my friends here in England are great admirers of what you present , as am I, even if they don't comment publically. Cheers, have a beer or three and enjoy your blogging!

    1. Thank you Chris and its back to some form of normality blog wise though i think i may not return to the volumes of the past. You're a very good man so thanks for your kind words and support as always.
