Monday 6 May 2024

Battle of Jena 1806

A view across the battlefield showing the state of play at the end of turn six

We are currently in the midst of fighting a wonderful 1806 scenario generously supplied by Eltjo in the Netherlands based on action during the Battle of Jena.

Prussian Grenadiers and Musketeers enter the battle

The Kripendorf windmill 

French Ligne prepare to cross the stream

A series of cavalry clashes highlighted the early turns. The French light
 cavalry battled hard against cuirassiers and hussars

The French guns unlimbered and ready for action on their “John Ray” bases that I absolutely 
adore the look of. A bit of John D and Doug M goodness in the rear 

We are returning to the battle this Saturday. It could genuinely go either way.


  1. Super looking game, so many lovely figures to admire, top notch stuff!

  2. That's a great looking game; taking small elements of a battle for a scenario usually generates a far more interesting clash than a classic line 'em up and advance game.

  3. A beautiful looking game Carlo…
    Inspirational as always…

    All the best. Aly

  4. Quite a nice looking game going on there.
    That windmill is a crazy thing. 😀

  5. Terrific. That cavalry clash looks awesome but I particularly liked the close up of the Prussian infantry.

  6. Nice one Carlo. A great specific period. I have a Prussian brigade for same but it's not even on the painting table and unlikely to be for some time. Good looking fight with a lovely collection.

  7. It all looks very special , as usual, Carlo. Great to see all the 1806 authentic bicornes

  8. Superb as always, Carlo. Need to get back to my Napoleonic project I think. Best regards. Phil
